30 Things I Love: OxyClean


I know. Another post about a laundry product. However, this one is a new love.

When we purchased our first front load HE washing machine, we didn’t have a lot of issues with sour smelling clothes at first, but every once in awhile, it seemed like a load of towels would pick up an odor. As time went on, I learned that keeping the door open and using a washing machine cleaning tablet were the best ways to keep the musty smelling odors out of the machine. Getting the odors out of the towels that were left in the machine too long? That wasn’t as easy.

I started using Febreeze for Laundry when washing my towels and my tech shirts (the kind of shirts many wear while exercising, or working).  I also tried using vinegar in the rinse cycle, and using an extra rinse cycle to make sure all of the detergent was rinsed out. Alone, the products had mixed results. Bleaching was out, because Laura is sensitive to bleach, so I try not to use it on things she’ll use. Enter Pinterest.

I searched for ways to remove odors from HE washing machines, and came upon a few variations on a theme. Most used an oxygen bleach, and white vinegar. I had no idea what oxygen bleach was, and was pretty confused when I looked for it at the store, so I did a little Google search. Turns out that OxyClean is a form of oxygen bleach, so I bought a small bottle to see if it would work.

To remove the smell from towels and tech shirts, use the typical amount of detergent that you use (I use between 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon depending on load size), add the OxyClean into the prewash water or dispenser, add some vinegar into the fabric softener dispenser, and choose the hottest water the fabric can handle. Set the machine to auto soak or pre-treat, then use the normal setting you use for the clothes. As soon as the cycle is done, remove the clothes, and do a smell check before you dry them on the hottest setting for those clothes. Personally, I like to air dry my tech shirts, since I think it helps them to last longer. Make sure the clothes or towels are fully dry before you fold and put away.

I was pretty skeptical that this would work. I have tried it with and without the vinegar as well. Let me just say, I love how the OxyClean helps remove the odors from the towels and tech shirts. In fact, the last time I went shopping, I bought a bigger bottle. Next test? Pig odors!

What laundry tricks or tips do you love?

Day 1: Pizza

Day 2: Shoes

Day 3: Shout Stain Remover

Day 4: The Ability to Vote

Day 5: My Heritage


Day 7: Black Velvet for Photography

Day 8: Strong Coffee and Strong Hairspray

Day 9: Peacefulness

Day 10: Winter’s First Snow

Day 11: Freedom

Day 12: Dairy

Day 13: Jonathan

Day 14: Coffee

Day 15: Seasons

Day 16: Scones

Day 17: #AgNerds

Day 18: Playing in the Dirt

Day 19: Friends

Day 20: My Church Choir Family

Day 21: OxyClean

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Author: Carolyn Olson

I grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis, MN. In 1988, I married my best friend and moved to the farm. Jonathan and I have three daughters, one son-in-law, and the most adorable granddaughter! I love life on the farm, and wouldn't trade it for anything!

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