Wordless Wednesday – My Therapy Baking Caramel Rolls Vanilla Bean Scones Maple Bacon Scones Share this:TweetEmailShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Wordless Wednesday – Summer Nights Were made for bonfires and roasting marshmallows. Share this:TweetEmailShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Wordless Wednesday – Vacation Edition Badlands National Park(click on image to enlarge) Badlands, South Dakota Share this:TweetEmailShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Wordless Wednesday – Happy Independence Day! Fireworks over Cottonwood Lake, July 2010 Share this:TweetEmailShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Wordless Wednesday – Road Trip Through the Buffalo Ridge Windmills – old and new – on the Buffalo Ridge Click on the photo to enlarge it. Can you find the remnants of the old windmill? Share this:TweetEmailShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
WW – Finally! A Sunny Day! With the sunshine, came an opportunity to take a walk around the yard and enjoy the beauty. Getting the stink eye. I was a little too close to her nest The Robins were more cooperative than the other birds Share this:TweetEmailShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Wordless Wednesday – Seems Like Yesterday… We spent Sunday afternoons in the park – Anna & Jonathan 1991 And now, college graduation! Augustana College Class of 2013 We’re pretty darn proud! Share this:TweetEmailShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...