I fell in love with taking photos when I purchased my very first digital camera. Before that, I would take the typical family snapshot at birthdays and on holidays, but wouldn’t really bother with photos of nature. Now, I keep looking for things to photograph.
The draw of photography for me, is trying to capture what I am seeing, to be able to share it with others. It is a very personal thing, really. I love putting on my winter gear to head outside and walk around the yard with my camera the morning after a blizzard. The patterns the wind and snow make are incredible. Trying to capture that beauty is a challenge. This fall, as I was getting out of the combine on night, I looked up and saw the Milky Way. That.Was.Awesome! Capturing the Milky Way with a camera is not easy. I have learned quite a few new things about night photography, but I still haven’t captured “the” photo yet. You’ll probably see it on my blog if I ever do!
There are times when I go through a dry spell, where my camera just sits in it’s bag. I find that I look at the world a little differently during those dry spells. I’m not noticing the little things. When I pick up the camera once again, I start thinking in terms of camera frames. I notice little details, and all sorts of patterns in nature. It fills me with awe when I look at tiny little flowers, or insects, or blades of grass. God made so many things uniquely beautiful. How can I say that He didn’t make me uniquely beautiful as well? I am so thankful for the gift of photography, and how it makes me look at the world, and at myself, with appreciation for the little things.
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Introduction to the 30 Day Challenge
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