30 Days of Thanksgiving – Day 5: Flowers

CarolynCares Roses

You’ve heard the phrase, “Take the time to stop and smell the roses”, right? How many of us actually stop to admire flowers when rushing from one commitment to another?

I am so thankful for the huge variety in flowers that we are able to enjoy. As much as they annoy me, even Dandelions can be beautiful when looked at through a macro lens. The thing is, you need to stop long enough to see the beauty. Kind of like other areas in our lives. If we keep rushing around with our heads down, we miss out on the beauty that surrounds us. If you are feeling a little bit down, a bouquet of flowers can cheer you up. They come in so many colors, shapes, and sizes. You don’t have to spend a fortune to add a little sunshine to your dining table, or your cubicle. Jonathan will buy the little $5 bundles from the grocery store when I’ve had a tough day, and I love them!

My challenge to you this week, is to take a look at things from a different perspective. Stop and look around at the fall decorations, the mums in flower gardens, the brilliant blue of the fall skies, the people in your office. Find the beauty. Your life will be richer for it.

Follow along with other 30 Day Challenge Bloggers by heading over to Holly Spangler’s blog. She keeps an updated list of participating blogs.

Introduction to the 30 Day Challenge

Day 1: Family

Day 2: Harvest

Day 3: Music

Day 4: Bacon