30 Days of Thanksgiving – Day 20: Parents

CarolynCares Parents

Today would have been Mom and Dad’s 42nd Anniversary. My dad passed away just shy of his 70th birthday in 2004 after many health issues. I miss him – especially when I could use some advice on how to fix something. I would go bug Dad when he was working in his wood shop, and he taught me the names of all the tools for wood working and for fixing things. That really came in handy when I moved to the farm!

Mom is my second mom. My first mom passed away shortly after I turned 2. My second mom is the only mom I’ve know. I remember when she and dad were dating, how excited I was that I got to stay over at her apartment. I was happy when dad told us that they were going to get married. They married shortly after I turned 4. I remember being at the church, and wearing a pretty dress with little gloves, and really pretty shoes. I loved those shoes.

I am so thankful that my Dad found Mom, and that she was willing to raise us 4 kids. It isn’t easy to jump into a big family! When Jonathan and I were taking Foster Parenting classes this fall, I realized just how difficult that is. I have many fond memories of my childhood. Fighting over who got to hold our baby brother, skating on the ice rink dad made in the back yard, the Birthday cake platter (and getting to choose what kind of cake we wanted), and Christmas traditions that I brought into my own family.

I am thankful that Mom taught me how to cook and bake. She taught me how to make white sauces and gravy when I was in junior high, and caramel rolls and desserts in high school. I still love to cook and bake today, and I love the challenge of finding new ways to do things. I am still amazed by Mom’s ability to make a perfect pie crust without measuring any ingredient, and I have yet to make a lemon filling that is even close to her lemon meringue pie. I’m not sure if I should credit her, or blame her for my love of cookbooks. Love you, Mom! 🙂

I know we don’t express our appreciation for our families nearly enough, so I would like to take this opportunity to tell my mom and siblings how thankful I am for all of you!


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Author: Carolyn Olson

I grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis, MN. In 1988, I married my best friend and moved to the farm. Jonathan and I have three daughters, one son-in-law, and the most adorable granddaughter! I love life on the farm, and wouldn't trade it for anything!

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